Before making applicant’s visa lodgment, Option Visa Assistance team make sure that s/he has properly verified everything!
Incomplete or wrong visa applications may lead to delays or even an unsuccessful visa application. As the visa system is complex and at times confusing and constantly changing, it is easy to make mistakes. Often these mistakes are painful and expensive since visa applications are non-refundable and the Department of Immigration does not take responsibility for the applications that you make.
Option helps applicants to avoid making costly mistakes (both financially and emotionally).We do this in two ways;
Firstly, we offer personal and confidential consultations that are specific to your case. This way, applicants can be confident that they have all the information at hand to make the right decisions. We can even tell you how to proceed, what documents are needed and how much to budget.
Secondly, if you require assistance in any part of the visa application process you can decide what you would like us to do and what you would like to do yourself.